Toothbrush, tube of toothpaste and dental floss on a weathered wood background

5 Dental Resolutions for 2019

#1 Don’t Miss a Cleaning

You want to know the easiest way to reach this goal? Set your appointments now! Get a jump on the New Year by starting it off with a dental cleaning. Schedule both 6 month appointments now so you don’t forget. Get yourself cavity free and clean as can be. Dental cleanings are the best way to keep up with your hygiene routine. Let the professionals keep you on track to meeting all your dental resolutions.

#2 Floss Daily

If you fib a little when the dentist asks how often you floss, you are not alone. I think part of the problem is how hard it is to understand the importance of flossing. Flossing isn’t just about removing leftovers from your molars. Flossing is one of your greatest defenses against gum disease! Scrape the sides of your teeth every day with floss to remove and prevent plaque buildup before it’s too late. Use this time to make flossing a habit for your daily dental routine.

#3 Four Toothbrushes a Year

New Year, new toothbrush. Here’s an easy dental resolution for you: throw out your toothbrush! You should be replacing your toothbrush every 3 months. Sure you will get one at those 6 month appointments, but you’ll need two more to complete the year. Head down to the store and pick up a pack of them to set you up for the whole year!

#4 Get Your Fluoride Fix

This year, talk to your dentist about fluoride. Fluoride helps strengthen the teeth to protect them against cavity and decay. Make sure you are getting enough fluoride in your dental products as well as your diet. The best way to get your fluoride is by drinking lots of water, using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, and getting your fluoride treatments at your bi-annual cleaning appointment.

#5 Kick a Dental Damaging Habit

You have to have at least one resolution to kick a bad habit right? This year make it a dental resolution. Here are a few ideas:

  • Cut out Soda: even diet sodas are harsh on your tooth’s enamel.
  • Quit Smoking: that’s right, another reason to quit smoking: tobacco use leads to serious tooth decay.
  • Slow the Citrus: be careful with the acidic foods you consume regularly. The acidity could be wearing down your enamel causing your teeth to dull, yellow and weaken.
  • Stop Grinding: teeth grinding might be a bad habit, or it could be a subconscious act. Either way let your dentist know so that you can be helped to stop.

Like any New Year’s resolution, you can’t do it alone. Let Eagle Rock Dental Care be your support system.  Our dedicated and talented staff is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us at any of our three local Idaho locations. Be sure to request your appointment so you can snag a spot for the New Year.